+256751915622 info@natureadventureuganda.com
+256751915622 info@natureadventureuganda.com

Uganda is a famous country nestled in the Eastern part of Africa. The country is best known for its unique residents; the endangered mountain gorillas, tree climbing lions, chimpanzees, golden monkeys, and the big five of Africa. Uganda is really a paradise for wildlife lovers and nature lovers. There is a lot to do and see while in the beautiful ‘Pearl of Africa’.

Gorilla Trekking and Habituation
These are two special activities in Uganda. Trekking the endangered mountain gorillas is something to die for in Uganda, as the activity is best enjoyed here. The trekking of these shy apes in Uganda is done in two national parks; Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks.

The two aforementioned national parks along with DR Congo’s Virunga National Park and Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park are the only mountain gorilla refuges on earth.

Trekking gorillas in Uganda is memorable and at the same time very affordable – a Uganda gorilla permit still costs US$ 600 till July 2020 when it will be upgraded to costing US$ 700.

This will still be twice cheaper than Rwanda’s gorilla permit which costs US$ 1500. This activity entitles you to visit the mountain gorillas in their natural homes (misty and mountainous forests), which is really astonishing and unforgettable!!

The two mountain gorilla national parks in Uganda all lie in the country’s southwestern region. They are both special places as in Mgahinga you will not only trek these fascinating creatures but also you have a chance of trekking the golden monkeys and hiking one of the 8 Virunga Volcanoes.

With gorilla trekking in Bwindi, you can decide to engage in extraordinary gorilla habituation experience, where you accompany the experienced and professional researchers in the misty forests of the Park to witness how wild gorillas are trained to become used to human presence – for them to be trekked.

The gorilla habituation experience is only offered in Bwindi, nowhere else on earth – isn’t that special and wonderful?!! The permit for Gorilla Habituation costs $1500 USD per person, spending almost a full day with the gorillas in their natural home.

Chimpanzee Tracking and Habituation
As already noted, Uganda is really a paradise for wildlife lovers as well as nature lovers! This small beautiful country inhabits two world’s great apes [mountain gorillas and chimpanzees, amazing!! If you’re a chimpanzee avid, Uganda is the place to be.

The country has more than five chimpanzee refuges, which include; Kibale Forest, Murchison Falls, Queen Elizabeth, Semuliki National Parks, and Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, and others.

However, Kibale (located in western Uganda) is the prime destination for chimpanzee safaris in the whole of East Africa and a permit for tracking the primates in this Park goes for US$ 150. To take note of, the permit will also be upgraded to US$ 200, come July 2020.

The chimpanzee habituation experience is also offered only in Kibale Forest National Park and it also goes for a full day, the permit costs $220 USD per person. You can also do Chimpanzee feeding in Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary.

Golden Monkey tracking
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, in southwestern Uganda, is the only home, in Uganda, for the eye catching golden monkeys. Tracking the endangered mountain gorillas, chimpanzees and then the beautiful golden monkeys is surely fantastic!!!

Game Viewing
Game viewing in the Parks is best enjoyed during game drives – which are done in almost every national park in Uganda. On the game drives you will spot a variety of wildlife that Uganda resides such as; African Lions, African Leopards, Savannah elephants, Cape buffaloes, Rhinos, Hippo, Nile Crocodiles, Giraffes, Zebras, and various antelope species as well as myriad of birdlife.

Game drives in the Queen Elizabeth National Park will see you spot the strange and unique tree climbing lions in the Ishasha sector of the Park.

Boat Cruise
Uganda has very many water bodies and some of them are resided in its national parks and other touristy places. Among the best Parks in Uganda offering the thrilling boat cruises include Murchison Falls National Park (along the Nile – world’s longest river), Queen Elizabeth National Park (along the beautiful Kazinga Channel), Lake Mburo National Park, and on the paradisiacal Lake Bunyonyi.

With the exception of Lake Bunyonyi, boat cruises in any of the aforementioned places offer you a great opportunity of spotting the Nile Crocodiles and Hippos and many other wildlife like cape buffaloes and elephants which normally visit the shores to drink water.

Bird Watching
Uganda resides a wide range of different bird species which inhabit its 10 national parks and other popular areas. Among the best bird species loved by birders is the shoe-bill stork which is best spotted in the Mabamba Wetland along the shores of Africa’s largest lake, Lake Victoria.

The popular birding sites in Uganda are; Semuliki National Park, Mabamba Wetland, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kidepo Valley National Park, Kibale Forest National Park, and many more. These bird species are mostly spotted while on Boat Cruise, Game drive and Nature walks.

Cultural Encounters
Uganda is one of the best countries in Africa for cultural safaris; among the tribe to interact with are the Batwa Pygmies. Visiting the Batwa people in their local communities and experience their culture is absolutely memorable.

Mgahinga Gorilla, Semuliki, and Bwindi Impenetrable National Parks are the best places if you want to interact with the Batwa and indulge in their breathtaking culture.

White Water Rafting
Jinja, eastern Uganda, is the best place for you to enjoy the fun-filled grade 5 white water rafting experience on Lake Victoria, at the source of River Nile – the longest River in the world.

On your Uganda holiday you should therefore not miss out the rafting experience in Jinja, it’s really an unforgettable and unique experience – imagine doing it at the source of the world’s longest river!!!

The Rwenzori Mountains in western Uganda inhabit the 3rd, 4th, and 5th highest mountain peaks in Africa. The place is among the best in Africa for mountaineering activities, hiking to the summit of the Rwenzori Mountains is memorable – you will have spectacular views over the Virunga National Park (in DR Congo), and the beautiful surroundings.