+256751915622 info@natureadventureuganda.com
+256751915622 info@natureadventureuganda.com

Volcanoes Bwindi Lodge, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Overlooking the primeval Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Bwindi Lodge is the finest gorilla lodge at Bwindi. With dramatic intense views of the forest canopy across a serene stream, it is one of Africa’s unique lodges.
The property has dramatic views of the impenetrable forest and is a great place to spot the monkeys and birds hidden in the foliage. It is being transformed featuring 2 deluxe bandas, upgraded standard bandas, a new dining room, and sauna added to the Humula Forest Spa.

The award-winning Bwindi Bar, in the high street of the village nearby is the most stylish and colorful bar in the area! Guests also enjoy informal tapas style meals inspired by Ugandan dishes. It’s the Harry’s Bar of Bwindi! Guests can make their ‘rolex’ wrap and the delicious Gorillini Cocktail, a must-have after a gorilla trekking session in Bwindi! The bar was set up by Volcanoes Safaris Partnership Trust to train disadvantaged local young people in hospitality.

Lodge Overview:
9 bandas (1 deluxe)
Personal butler service for all guests
The Humula Forest Spa (with sauna)
Bwindi Bar and Tea Project
Wi-Fi is available in the main lodge building
Charging facilities available in each banda
Premium wine, whisky, and cocktail menus