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Guide to Trekking Mountain Gorillas in Uganda

Mountain Gorillas are listed as endangered species and Uganda is only among those three lucky countries which still reside these tourists’ favorites; others being DR Congo and Rwanda.

Many of the annual tourists in Africa enjoy spending their time in the wild trekking the endangered mountain gorillas, which is of course a very fascinating and memorable experience! However, below are some of the things you need to know prior to your mountain gorilla excursion in Uganda:

Where to trek gorillas in Uganda:

Uganda is really a very unique country when it comes to mountain gorilla expeditions. This is because it is the only country on earth having two mountain gorilla refuges, which are; Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks.

The two national parks are both perched in the southwestern region of the country and are within a close proximity to each other.

Gorilla trekking in Bwindi is done in the Park’s four sectors (Buhoma, Rushaga, Ruhija and Nkuringo): each sector having different habituated gorilla families. Bwindi is believed to have almost 20 habituated gorilla families, hence having more gorilla permits throughout the year.

Meanwhile, in Mgahinga gorilla trekking is only done in one sector and the Park has been for so long inhabiting only one habituated gorilla family known as Nyakagezi not until last year (2019) when Hirwa gorilla family migrated from Volcanoes National Park, in Rwanda, and took residence in Mgahinga; thus making a total of two habituated gorilla families there.

It is well known that Mgahinga and Volcanoes National Parks all lie under the same conservation area known as the Virunga Conservation Area (Virunga Massif) together with DR Congo’s Virunga National Park; all the three Parks being homes for the endangered mountain gorillas. This also proves that it is possible for gorillas to cross borders from any of the three national parks to another.

Gorilla Permits:

When going for a mountain gorilla excursion in any of Uganda’s two gorilla refuges, it is obvious you have to be with a mountain gorilla permit: this can be purchased for you by your tour operator prior to your arrival in the country.

The cost of these gorilla permits vary according to the country you wish to do your gorilla excursions from. Uganda’s gorilla permits are among the most affordable ones; costing US$ 600, though with effect from July (2020) the permits will be raised to US$ 700 as a way of upgrading the activity and make it more enjoyable for the trekkers.

Annually, the gorilla permits are usually on a very high demand since there are few mountain gorilla refuges on earth and yet there are very many mountain gorilla enthusiasts, hence advance booking is always essential and advisable; otherwise you will incur inconveniences and disappointments.

Gorilla Trekking and Gorilla Habituation Experience:

These two activities may look similar but are really a bit different. With gorilla trekking, you will be slogging through the forest in search of the already habituated gorilla families contrary to gorilla habituation where you will be trekking the wild gorillas; which are on course of being made used to human presence.

With gorilla habituation, you will be escorted by the gorilla researchers who habituate the gorillas to make them used to human presence and with this experience you will spend almost more than 4 hours with the gorillas unlike with gorilla trekking where you only spend one hour with the gorillas.

However, they are both memorable experiences though strenuous, especially gorilla habituation. The gorilla habituation permit costs US$ 1500.

It is to be noted that Uganda the gorilla habituation experience is only offered in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, and it is such a very fascinating and unforgettable experience – since you spend many hours with the gorillas, it’s such a very great experience!!!

All the gorilla treks are led by experienced and professional Park Rangers:

You are restricted from entering the forest minus a Park Ranger. All the gorilla treks in Bwindi and Mgahinga are spearheaded by local-experienced park rangers who spend most their time in the forests.

Therefore, with the Park rangers it is a bit easier to identify the mountain gorillas because they have a clue on where the gorillas will have spent their previous night, which will be your first spot to head to during the trek.

Rules and Regulations:

There are various rules and regulations governing the activity of trekking mountain gorillas. Among them are; keep a certain distance of about 7 meters away from the gorillas, you have to arrive very early at the Park headquarters for briefings (where you will be given a gorilla family to trek), do not go for the activity when you are ill because it requires a certain effort, do not litter in the Park.

Do not use flashlight cameras while taking gorilla photos, you spend one hour with the gorillas, do not tamper with any wildlife like plants because they all contribute to the ecology of gorillas in some way, stick to the Ranger’s word, a maximum of 8 individuals are allowed per trekking group, lower your voices while trekking, do not cough or sneeze in sight of the gorillas (at least turn your head away), and only individuals above 15 years of age are allowed to go for the activity.