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kidepo valley national park

On the edge of one of the most beautiful national parks in Uganda (Kidepo Valley National Park), Kidepo Savannah Lodge does justice to this wildlife gem which has received several international awards as one of the greatest Parks of Africa. Being just 500 m away from Kalokudo gate, the lodge is literally on a stone’s...
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Adere Safari Lode is a mid-range accommodation in Northeastern Uganda, Kaabongo district – Karamoja, within proximities of the prestigious Kidepo Valley National Park – one of the Uganda’s best wildlife protected areas. Kidepo is absolutely one of the best protected areas for carrying out game drives from as you will view a large number of...
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When you close your eyes and think of Africa, the landscape you imagine – the jagged hills, the golden grasses, the plains dotted with wildlife, the soft glowing light – is likely to be Kidepo. This is Uganda’s most remote park, far away from city life. The vast golden green plains punctuated with craggy, rocky...
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