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Queen Elizabeth National Park in the western region of Uganda is one of the most sought-after protected areas in East Africa by the region’s annual tourists and travelers. The Park is so popular and famous to tourists because of the lots of attractions it resides. Some of the attractions in this Park are only found...
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The Uganda Wildlife governing body, Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), has temporarily stopped tourist boat trips in the country’s largest and oldest protected area, Murchison Falls National Park, following the bursting of River Nile’s banks. In a press statement issued on Monday morning (8th/June/2020), UWA claimed that the rising water level has inundated the landing points...
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In April 2020, all the ten Uganda national parks and other protected areas were closed following the outbreak of the global pandemic disease, Covid-19 (Corona virus) that had took the entire world by storm. Meanwhile, the disease is gradually waning out and some businesses in Uganda were allowed to operate again after a temporary closure...
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Queen Elizabeth National Park is a ‘one of a kind’ Park nestled in the western region of the ‘Pearl of Africa’ – Uganda, Kasese. This beautiful Park has a lot of magnificent attractions that you can’t just describe in a single article but rather needs you to take a long trip yourself to fully evidence...
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The serene and beautiful Entebbe Botanical Gardens nestle the northern shoreline of Lake Victoria in Entebbe town. The Entebbe Botanical Gardens is definitely one of the places you should visit especially if you have a day in Entebbe; as you’re going out to the Entebbe beaches or touring the UWEC (Uganda Wildlife Education Centre) –...
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Visiting Uganda is every tourist’s dream with the country residing most of tourists’ favorites. From residing the endangered mountain gorillas, some of Africa’s tallest mountain ranges, chimpanzees, the famous big five of Africa, the source of the world’s longest river – Nile River, Africa’s largest lake – Lake Victoria, beautiful and photogenic landscapes, and the...
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With over 1,050 bird species, Uganda is one of the African countries most ideal for birding experiences. The country comprises of several destinations where you can do the birding activity but as a birding aficionado you will need to know some of the best destinations for this thrilling experience – birding. Well, below are the...
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The impenetrable forests of Bwindi and the rain-forests of Kibale are among the most toured destinations in Uganda. The two aforementioned national parks are known for residing the two world’s great apes; the endangered mountain gorillas and chimpanzees, in abundance. Both Bwindi and Kibale are of course the best places in the world to see...
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Queen Elizabeth National Park, in the western region of Uganda – Kasese district, stands out as one of the most respected protected areas in Africa. The Park inhabits a variety of attractions, such as; birdlife, wildlife, trees, lakes and many others – it resides a lot of the big game in Africa. The beautiful Kazinga...
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Description: Lying in the southwestern region (Kabarole, Bundibugyo and Kasese districts) of the ‘Pearl of Africa’ – Uganda, the Rwenzori Mountains National Park covers a total area of 386 square miles. The Park borders DR Congo’s Virunga National Park, home to endangered mountain gorillas. At 5,109 meters, Mount Stanley’s peak, Margherita, is the third highest...
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