+256751915622 info@natureadventureuganda.com
+256751915622 info@natureadventureuganda.com



Queen Elizabeth National Park, in the western region of Uganda – Kasese district, stands out as one of the most respected protected areas in Africa. The Park inhabits a variety of attractions, such as; birdlife, wildlife, trees, lakes and many others – it resides a lot of the big game in Africa. The beautiful Kazinga...
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Uganda is one of the best countries [if not the best] for primate safaris. The country comprises of various primate species; with Kibale Forest National Park being the best primate Park not only in Uganda but also Africa entirely. Kibale consists of 13 primate species a number which is bettered by no other African national...
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Uganda is beyond a shadow of a doubt the best country in Africa for gorilla trekking expeditions. The country resides the highest number of mountain gorillas in Africa – where these creatures are only found. The mountain gorillas are however listed as endangered species and currently exist in only three countries; Uganda, Rwanda, and DR...
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Description: Lying in the southwestern region (Kabarole, Bundibugyo and Kasese districts) of the ‘Pearl of Africa’ – Uganda, the Rwenzori Mountains National Park covers a total area of 386 square miles. The Park borders DR Congo’s Virunga National Park, home to endangered mountain gorillas. At 5,109 meters, Mount Stanley’s peak, Margherita, is the third highest...
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Mountain Elgon’s highest peak (Wagagai) is the second highest in Uganda after the Rwenzori Mountains’ Margerita peak as well as the fourth in East Africa. Mountain Elgon is believed to have the largest volcanic base in the entire world, of any extinct mountain. The Mountain is sheltered in one of Uganda’s 10 remarkable national parks...
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