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The Kazinga channel is the most outstanding feature in Queen Elizabeth National Park – one of the best protected areas in Uganda and Africa as whole. The channel nestles the northern Mweya sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Queen Elizabeth is mostly famous for the strange tree climbing lions it resides. However, the Kazinga Channel is absolutely one of the attractions that make this Park extraordinary and ideal for excellent wildlife safaris.

The Kazinga Channel is a striking waterway that links Lake George to Lake Edward. The water in the Kazinga channel is brought about by streams developing from the Rwenzori Mountains, in western Uganda. That aside, the channel stands as one of the places with high concentrations of hippos and Nile crocodiles on the planet.

Along the shores of the channel there’s always a lineup of various wildlife species which go there to bathe, and drink water, among them include; the cape buffaloes, savanna elephants, water-bucks, warthogs, and Uganda Kobs together with various bird species.

Boat Cruises along the channel:
Boat cruises along the Kazinga Channel are absolutely unique and unforgettable as it is one of the best ways to spot a variety of wildlife and birdlife in the remarkable Queen Elizabeth National Park.

The boat cruises carried out on the channel helps one to explore this enticing feature (Kazinga Channel) in the Park to a greater extent, hence having a great knowledge about it. The Boat cruises always cost US$ 30 per person and are done in shifts that take place from 9am to 5pm.

Each of the boat cruises’ shifts last for strictly not more than two hours from a landing site near the 5-star Mweya Safari Lodge. If you wish to have a more private cruise (cruising luxuriously) on the wildlife-packed Kazinga channel, Mweya Safari Lodge provides a comfortable but pricey boat that will help you achieve your wishes.

Meanwhile, UWA (Uganda Wildlife Authority) has its big (double-decker) boat operating at the channel offering thrilling boat cruises to the tourists.

Traveling in the dry season is usually more rewarding as the channel becomes an oasis that gathers almost every wildlife species in the Park that go there to drink water and bath – to cool off the warmth, hence you’re guaranteed of excellent game viewing on the shores of the channel.

Don’t ever forget your camera while going for a boat cruise as you will be getting a great opportunity of taking good photos of the animals, birds and the waters of course. The best time for taking photos is in the evening when the sun is setting – it’s really spectacular when the sun is setting!!

The boat cruises on the channel also offer you a huge opportunity of spotting the fishermen preparing their fishing equipment as they get ready to go for fishing in the night.

Fishermen don’t always do fishing in the early afternoons because of the menacing hippos, so they opt to go fishing during the night when the hippos go to graze on land. Your tour in Queen Elizabeth National Park without indulging in the boat cruises on the beautiful Kazinga Channel is honestly a crap!