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5 Best Birding Destinations in Uganda

With over 1,050 bird species, Uganda is one of the African countries most ideal for birding experiences. The country comprises of several destinations where you can do the birding activity but as a birding aficionado you will need to know some of the best destinations for this thrilling experience – birding. Well, below are the five top destinations for the birding activity in Uganda:

Mabamba Bay Wetland
Nestled close to the shores of the world’s second largest fresh water lake, Lake Victoria, in Entebbe, the Mabamba Bay Wetland is by no doubt a birding paradise.

The most sought after bird species, annually, by birders is the elusive and rare Shoe-bill Stork, of which Mabamba Bay Wetland, in Entebbe – near the shores of Lake Victoria, is the best home for this amazing bird species.

Any birding safari in Uganda without a visit to the exceptional Mabamba Bay Wetland is never complete; catching a glimpse of the shoe-bill stork offers you an extraordinary feeling and will definitely make your birding safari more interesting and memorable.

Bird watching in the Mabamba Bay Wetland is really magnificent because you are within a close proximity to Africa’s largest lake, Lake Victoria, hence you can also decide to cruise on this beautiful lake and also spot a variety of water birds.

The perfect way to spot the various bird species in Mabamba is through a canoe ride and among the bird species to spot include; Shoe-bill Stork, Papyrus Gonolex, Swamp Flycatcher, Malachite Kingfisher, Pied Kingfisher, African Marsh Harrier, Black-headed Heron, African Open-billed Stork, Black Kite, and many more.

Murchison Falls National Park
Situated in the northwestern corner of Uganda, the Murchison Falls National Park is best known for its highlight attraction feature, the Murchison Falls as well as the varied wildlife.

However, birding is also an extraordinary activity you will enjoy doing while in this marvelous Park as it resides over 451 bird species, including the famous shoe-bill stork.

The several bird species in this Park can be viewed via boat cruises, game drives or even nature walks. The Park has very many bird habitats such as riverine woodland, swamps, forests (Budongo forest), savannah and plains of acacia trees.

Bird species in Murchison Falls National Park include; Shoe-bill Stork, Swamp Flycatcher, Abyssinian Ground Horn Bill, Northern Red Bishop, Goliath Heron, Red-throated Bee Eater, African Quail Finch, Giant Kingfishers, and Hammer-kops, among others.

Semuliki National Park
The Semuliki National Park in western Uganda, famous for inhabiting the fantastic Sempaya Hot Springs, is indisputably one of the best birding sites in East Africa.

The Park consists of 441 bird species among them which include; Nkulengu Rail, Dwarf Honey guide, Maxwell’s Black Weaver, Great Blue Turaco, Blue-billed Malimbe, Black Dwarf Hornbill, Piping Hornbill, Yellow – throated Nicator, Yellow-throated Cuckoo, Purple-breasted Sunbird as well as the Guinea – Congo Biome Species in its lowland forest.

Kibale Forest National Park
Best known for exceptional chimpanzee safaris, the Kibale Park – in western Uganda is one of the best destinations in Uganda for birding experiences as well. The Park boasts a remarkable 375 species of birds, including six endemic to the Albertine Rift Area.

The bird species to catch a glimpse of in Kibale Forest National Park include; Green Breasted Pitta, Red-chested Owlet, Dusky – blue flycatcher, Purple-breasted Sunbird, Black Bee – eater, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, White – naped Pigeon, Crowned Eagle, Little Greenbul, Grey-throated Flycatcher, and many others. During your chimpanzee tracking session is when you will be able to spot most of the Park’s bird species.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Bwindi nestles the southwestern region of the country and the Park is world-wide famous for hosting the best mountain gorilla excursions on planet.

Besides being a mountain gorilla national park, Bwindi is also among the best birding sites on the continent – Africa, with over 350 bird species including 23 Albertine Rift endemics, of which 14 of them are not recorded anywhere in Uganda.

There are well maintained birding trails in Bwindi for birding experiences. Due to the abundance of rare bird species in Bwindi, bird watching comes at close second after gorilla trekking and among the bird species to see here, include; African green broad bill, Black-billed Turaco, Collared Apalis, Chapin’s Flycatcher, Fraser’s Eagle, Handsome Francolin, White-bellied Robin Chat, Frasers’ Eagle, western bronze – naped pigeon, and many more.