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+256751915622 info@natureadventureuganda.com

Best Time For Game Driving in Uganda’s Parks

You have already booked your trip with your trusted and authorized tour operator, and you’re ready to travel to Uganda for the safari adventure of a lifetime, you have made a list of the animals you would like most to see, places you would like to visit and the experiences you’re hoping to have. Then the other only thing left with you is to make sure you get the most out of your game drives in the Parks you will visit!

In addition to the excitement and preparation of seeing animals in their natural habitat, there are numerous things you can do to really maximize your overall game drives in the Parks. Meanwhile, you as a first-timer tourist, you may ask yourself which type of game drive you should opt to go for or which is the best?!

There are always various types of game drives carried out daily in most of Uganda’s protected areas. The types of game drives include; the night game drives, morning game drives, afternoon game drives, and evening game drives. However, as animals stick to their own schedules, the best game viewing/drives are either at first light (morning game drive) or around dusk (evening game drive). And finally, according to the majority of our previous clients, the morning game drives stands out to be the best.

Regardless of whether you’re a morning person or not, it is always good to motivate yourself to wake up early for a game drive as this is often the best time of the day for sighting predators like lions and leopards. Night game drives offer a good chance to explore and see a whole variety of animals that you would not see during the day. Remember, no two game drives will be the same so choosing to do a variety will give you a better chance of seeing everything on your bucket list.

Especially in the dry seasons it gets so hot during the day that going on a drive in the middle of the day (afternoon) is not ideal as the animals are usually lying in the shades. Going out early means the animals will still be active including your night time predators which will start settling down for the day. In the afternoons it would be the other way round as the day time animals will be settling down for the night. In the rainy season, it is always wet and cold in the early morning and late afternoon so going out on drives at these times is not great as not only do you get cold but the animals tend to disappear.

Therefore the best time for game drives can also depend on the time of the year you will have gone for your wildlife trip. But since nowadays the weather is quite unpredictable as it will even rain during the dry season and likewise it can tend to be sunny in the rainy season, you should not make seasons too crucial as you’re planning to visit Uganda or any other African country.

And according to the overall examination and analysis on which time of the day is more favorable for game drives, the morning hours are by far the best because animals are just leaving their nests before scattering in the Park, which will grant you an opportunity to see a wide number of animals and in groups.