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Activities done in Mountain Elgon National Park

Mountain Elgon’s highest peak (Wagagai) is the second highest in Uganda after the Rwenzori Mountains’ Margerita peak as well as the fourth in East Africa. Mountain Elgon is believed to have the largest volcanic base in the entire world, of any extinct mountain.

The Mountain is sheltered in one of Uganda’s 10 remarkable national parks – Mountain Elgon National Park; which offers a variety of fascinating activities to its annual visitors. Among the best activities to take pleasure of while in this Uganda’s eastern national park, include;

Hiking and Rock Climbing:

Hiking Mountain Elgon is not as difficult as hiking Mountain Rwenzori and this can be done in only 4 to 5 days to reach its summit, following either Sipi or Sasa trails. To make the hiking activity easier, you are advised to hire a local porter who will assist you in carrying the luggage you will be possessing, thus freeing you to hike comfortably.

You should also remember to ask for the hiking sticks – which will help in balancing your body; both hiking sticks and porters will incur additional prices but are genuinely very low. You will also be given local experienced guides who will spearhead your hiking trail.

Meanwhile, there are also lower elevation trails where you can hike for half or full day, in case you wanted to hike Uganda’s second highest mountain but time is not on your side to go for the five days’ hike to the peak.

Of course the dry months are the best to go for hiking; dry months are December to March and then June to September. Typically hiking is a strenuous activity but usually memorable. For the adventure enthusiasts, rock climbing is also an enjoyable activity on addition to hiking.

Cultural Encounters:

Cultural encounter is another exhilarating activity you should indulge in when you come to visit Mountain Elgon National Park. The Park lies in eastern Uganda, Mbale town, where the Bagisu tribe lives. The Bagisu are well known for their must-do circumcision ritual on every male.

Any uncircumcised male is not counted as a man in the Bagisu tribe, regardless of his age, and will not be allowed to marry any woman not until he is circumcised to be given a green light to marry as many women as he can. Contrary to circumcision in the Moslems, with the Bagisu tribe circumcision is done publicly and after dancing for some days across the nearby villages.

As an adventurer (tourist) indulging yourself in this boisterous and colorful event, locally known as ‘’Imbalu’’, offers unfading memories – August to December is the best time for this activity. Meanwhile, the to-be circumcised male will be given gifts like money and other items by his fellow people, as a way of appreciating his braveness.

Though not compulsory, it will be a good gesture if you also give in something; every gift, though big or small, is highly valued.

There are street processions where friends and family go with the circumcision candidate to the site where the ancient ritual take place – a place that gathers hundreds into thousands – females also come looking at the newly eligible bachelors.


The Park is also ideal for bird watching as it resides a myriad of birds, thus being a birder’s paradise as well. Among the bird species to spot in this Park include; Hartlaub’s Turaco, Alpine Chat, Eastern Bronze-napped Pigeon, Lemon Dove, Dusky-Turtle Dove, Grey Cuckoo-Shrike, Black-throated Wattle-eye, Mountain Yellow Warbler, African Hill Babbler, Thick-billed Honey guide, among others.

Mountain Biking Trails:

Mountain Elgon and its surroundings (including the Sipi Falls) are popular places for the unforgettable mountain biking trails. Blazing down the trails on the second tallest mountain in Uganda will offer you an unrivalled experience.

Visiting the Sipi Falls:

There are really few places, if not any, in Uganda, more romantic than that of the Sipi falls; genuinely a true gem. The waterfalls are a sight to gaze at; the easy on the eye scenery and the roaring sound of waters falling down a steep rock makes it all eye catching!! Visiting eastern Uganda and Mountain Elgon National Park minus exploring the beautiful Sipi Falls is simply a useless trip in eastern Uganda.

Touring the caves behind the falls is breathtaking and one of the trails can take you to the top where you will be able to see water gushing. Birding along the Sipi Falls is also magnificent and you will spot a variety of bird species.

Game Viewing:

Besides the fact that hiking is the major activity in the Park, game viewing is also another charming activity in the Park. Every so often elephants and buffaloes can be seen on the lower mountain slopes alongside leopards, hyenas, antelopes, and very many monkey species, among other animals.

The highlight in game viewing in this Park is the cave-dwelling elephants that are drawn to the caves because of the high salt deposits. The elephants are on several occasions seen hunting around for salt in the caves floors and walls; many locals believe that the elephants are responsible for the creation of the caves.