+256751915622 info@natureadventureuganda.com
+256751915622 info@natureadventureuganda.com

Uganda is one of the African countries almost on every tourist’s lips. This is so because the country comprises of very many unique attractions such as high mountains, big lakes, long rivers, the unique tree climbing lions, Africa’s big five, endangered mountain gorillas, and chimpanzees, among other attractions.

For a person who has ever been in Uganda before needs no explanation about this tourist-friendly country and also if you’re just planning to go there, after hearing the praises of it from your fellows, below is a guide to help you explore the beautiful ‘Pearl of Africa’ thoroughly – you are really about to be marveled in an extraordinary beauty of this one-of-a-kind country!!

What to do and see in Uganda:
Uganda has a lot of beautiful attractions that will leave you gazing at them in admiration, once you come across them! There are a variety of activities to engage in once you visit Uganda, among them include gorilla trekking, chimpanzee tracking, game drives and game viewing, boat cruises, mountaineering, bird watching, sightseeing, cultural encounters, photographing, grade 5 white water rafting, Zip lining, hot air balloon safaris, Lion tracking, nature walks, and many more.

For the case of chimpanzee and gorilla trekking you have to buy the permits prior to your arrival in the country, and these permits will definitely be purchased by your trusted tour operator, on your behalf. As of now, a gorilla permit in Uganda still costs US$ 600 but it will be upgraded with effect from July 2020 thus costing US$ 700.

Gorilla trekking takes place in two national parks; Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks. Bwindi is the best Park for mountain gorilla expeditions all over the world and there’s also another unique activity in this Park known as gorilla habituation.

Gorilla habituation experience costs US$ 1500 and here you will get to know how gorillas are trained to get used to human presence such that they get ready to be trekked.

It is really a fascinating and memorable experience as you spend almost a whole day with the gorillas in their natural habitats unlike the one hour you spend with them during the gorilla trekking experience.

On the other hand, chimpanzee tracking in Uganda is carried out from various destinations and the activity costs differently unlike with gorilla trekking.

Kibale Forest National Park is however the prime destination for chimpanzee tracking and here a chimpanzee permit costs US$ 150 but like the gorilla permit, it will be upgraded in July 2020 and will, from that month on wards, be costing US$ 200.

The other popular places in Uganda perfect for tracking chimpanzees are Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, and others.

In Kibale, you will also have an opportunity to engage in the chimpanzee habituation experience which cost US$ 200, currently, but with effect from July 2020 it will also be upgraded to costing US$ 250. It’s such a lovely experience you wouldn’t wish to miss on your chimpanzee excursion in Uganda!!!

Besides gorilla trekking and chimpanzee tracking, the other most fascinating activity to do on a Uganda trip is game driving through which you are able to spot a variety of wildlife that the country resides among them include the popular Africa’s big five – African Lions, African Cape Buffaloes, African Leopards, African Savannah Elephants, and the Rhinoceros.

The other wildlife species to spot on a Uganda wildlife trip include Hippos, Nile Crocodiles, Cheetahs, Rothschild’s Giraffes, Zebras, Warthogs, and very many antelope species like the Common Elands, Bush-bucks, Water bucks, Uganda Kob, Jackson Hartebeests, Duikers, Reed-bucks, Topis, and very many other wildlife species. Meanwhile, the best Parks to visit for a Uganda wildlife trip are Murchison Falls, Kidepo Valley, and Queen Elizabeth National Parks.

The best destinations for mountaineering activities in Uganda are Rwenzori Mountains, and Mountain Elgon National Parks.

Booking In Advance:
Booking in advance is really an essential thing whenever you are for a trip in Uganda, especially if you are to trek gorillas and chimpanzees. This is because gorilla and chimpanzee tracking are always on a very high demand, annually, yet are quite few.

You should therefore book at least 5 months prior to your Uganda safari trip. Booking in advance will help your trusted tour operator to plan for your safari thoroughly well for a great and memorable trip that is free from inconveniences.

Booking in advance also helps you to get first-class services and you get everything of your wish unlike when you delay to book which will see you being forced to take things out of your wish, like car type, or even missing out your trip.

How to book a Uganda trip:
Uganda comprises of several authorized and reliable tour operators such as NATURE ADVENTURE UGANDA that will help you attain a successful trip in Uganda.

On line booking is always the most convenient way but you can also call on that particular tour operator’s phone number, which you’ve chose to book with.

How to look for a reliable tour operator??! There are various ways on how to look for a reliable tour operator the best way being consulting from your colleagues who have traveled to Uganda before or visiting the ‘Trip Advisor’ and take a look at the reviews from the previous travelers.

Key things to know:
Among the key things to know while going for a safari in Uganda include; Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks are the only two mountain gorilla refuges in Uganda and among the only four in the world. Kibale Forest National Park stands out as the best Park for chimpanzee expeditions not only in Uganda but in Africa as whole.

The Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, on your way to Murchison Falls National Park, is the only destination in Uganda for seeing the wild rhinos – thus visiting Murchison Falls Park will see you having a great opportunity of viewing all the big five of Africa, after seeing rhinos in Ziwa and then spotting the other four in the Park.

Lake Mburo National Park is the best destination in Uganda for viewing antelopes as well as Zebras while Semuliki National Park remains the best destination for birders. Kidepo Valley, Murchison Falls and Queen Elizabeth Parks are the best for wildlife safaris.

Uganda is one of the three East African countries where Africa’s largest lake (Lake Victoria) is resided and also among the 11 African countries where the world’s longest river (Nile River) passes through, with Uganda having the most claimed source of it – at Jinja close to the shores of Lake Victoria. All the aforementioned destinations in Uganda comprise of nice accommodations for you to stay at, during your time there.

The other important thing to know is that you should travel with enough cash, and always remember to change your money to local currency before setting off to the Parks.

Peak seasons are always in dry season (June to August, January to February), and by this time tour operators are really busy, thus booking in advance during this season is very essential. Lastly, don’t forget to carry a malaria vaccination as well as your passport.