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Exploring the Picturesque Kyambura Gorge

Also known as the ‘Valley of Apes’, the beautiful Kyambura Gorge nestles the far eastern region of the remarkable Queen Elizabeth National Park, in western Uganda – Kasese.

Queen Elizabeth is really a remarkable destination; if you think you will only take part in the memorable boat cruises on the beautiful Kazinga Channel – where you will see a variety of wildlife like Nile Crocodiles, Hippos, Cape Buffaloes, and Elephants, one will tell you there’s also the unique tree climbing lions and that’s not it all as the prepossessing Kyambura Gorge also resides in the Park! With almost 1 kilometer wide and approximately 100 meters deep, this gorgeous gorge is drained by the charming Kyambura River.

The Kyambura Gorge’s landscape is one of the most picturesque and photogenic in Uganda and it is crowded with various primate species and a variety of beautiful bird species as well as other wildlife species.

Descending down into this astonishing Gorge you will really goggle at the extraordinary beauty of the verdant, rich tropical rain forest just near the equator crossing.

The gorge is paradisiacal as the Savannah above has a reasonable amount of light, plus sun shine that offers brightness, the tree canopy within this fascinating below-ground forest boasted of rich blocks of plant life shut out most of the sun rays and unless you are standing within a clearing you actually will not require sunglasses or sun- hats since you may actually need to have a clearly view so as not to miss out on the great assortment of wonders within the Kyambura Gorge.

Chimpanzee Tracking in the Kyambura Gorge:
The chief attraction and activity to engage in, in this good looking gorge is chimpanzee tracking. Most of the chimpanzees in this gorge have been habituated, and so are used to human presence. This means that among the activities to do in Queen Elizabeth National Park tracking the chimpanzees is one of them.

However, reservations for tracking chimpanzees in the Kyambura Gorge should made prior to your arrival in the Park and it is not a guarantee to see chimpanzees in the Gorge, like it is in the nearby Kibale Forest National Park.

Other Attractions:
Besides the chimpanzees, the Kyambura Gorge inhabits many other attractions, wildlife, especially primates such as the red-tailed monkeys, black and white Colobus monkeys, olive baboons, and vervet monkeys, as well as many colorful birds such as African Finfoot, the blue-headed bee-eater and different falcons.

Among the other wildlife attractions to sight within the area include the eye catching huge forest hogs. There are also three salty crater lakes which lure a variety of beautiful flamingos.

How best to explore the Kyambura Gorge:
The best and perfect way to explore the stupendous Kyambura Gorge is by taking a guided nature walk, with an aid of an experienced and knowledgeable guide who will present to you the natural beauty of the gorge as well as the flora and fauna within the depths of the gorge. Having a close encounter with the chimpanzees is of course the most astounding experience within this area.

Accommodations in Kyambura Gorge:
There are very many accommodations close to the Gorge, such as the Kyambura Gorge Lodge, Buffalo Safari Lodge, Engiri Lodge and Campsite, Park View Safari Lodge – Kyambura, and Tembo Safari Lodge, among others.