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Gorilla Trekking Tours in Uganda

Uganda is beyond a shadow of a doubt the best country in Africa for gorilla trekking expeditions. The country resides the highest number of mountain gorillas in Africa – where these creatures are only found. The mountain gorillas are however listed as endangered species and currently exist in only three countries; Uganda, Rwanda, and DR Congo.

Gorilla Trekking in Uganda:

Uganda is really a unique country when it comes to gorilla trekking excursions as it boasts two national parks inhabiting the endangered mountain gorillas unlike the other two countries (Rwanda and DR Congo) which have one mountain gorilla refuge each.

The two national parks in Uganda known as homes of mountain gorillas are Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park National Parks. The two Parks lie in the southwestern corner of Uganda.

Mgahinga Park is estimated to have a total of almost 200 mountain gorillas well as Bwindi Park resides a total of almost 500 mountain gorillas – making it the best national park for mountain gorilla treks in Africa.

Gorilla trekking in Uganda is such a unique and memorable activity; imagine spending your day with the gorillas in their natural habitats – it’s really unforgettable and super fantastic!! With the activity, you’re put utmost 8 individuals per trekking group. You are grouped at the starting point immediately after the briefings about the activity.

Mountain gorillas have almost the same DNA as humans and so they do things more in a human way. Like humans, they do live in families but you will only trek habituated families which are free to interact with humans as the wild (not habituated) families can cause harm on you.

Bwindi comprises of more habituated gorilla families (20 gorilla families) well as Mgahinga consists of only two habituated gorilla families.

Gorilla trekking in Bwindi is done in four sectors of the Park; Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo and Rushaga. Buhoma is the most preferred sector by the annual trekkers because it resides the legendary Mubare gorilla family (the first ever habituated gorilla family in Uganda) and also the sector’s vicinity to the remarkable Ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park which is known to inhabit the rare and unique tree climbing lions.

Meanwhile, during the gorilla encounters; once you meet the gorillas you are permitted to view them from a certain distance at least 7 meters. This is because the mountain gorillas are still wild animals which can still harm you besides being habituated and human-friendly.

It is also done that way to prevent the easy spread of diseases to the gorillas because they can catch some human diseases fact being that they share more than 97% of human DNA. You are also allowed to spend strictly one hour with the gorillas taking very many photos of them to mesmerize your relatives and friends back home.

Gorilla Habituation Experience:

How about indulging in the actual activity of gorillas being made familiar to human presence?! The process of habituating the gorillas is even more enjoyable and memorable than the gorilla trekking excursion itself.

With the gorilla habituation experience you accompany the researchers and experts who habituate the gorillas to make them used to human presence.

Nothing is more exciting than involving in this one-of-a-kind activity! You will spend almost the entire day with the gorillas and you will really learn more about gorillas.

The gorilla habituation experience is only done in the mighty Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and it is a bit expensive compared to gorilla trekking.

A gorilla habituation permit costs US$ 1500 well as a gorilla trekking permits costs US$ 600. However, with effect from July 2020 the gorilla trekking permit will raise to costing US$ 700.