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Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve – Travel Uganda

About Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve:

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is the second largest protected area in Uganda; covering a total area of about 2788 square kilometers. Only Murchison Falls National Park is vaster than this wildlife reserve. Pian Upe is one of the top legendary attractions in Northeastern Uganda comprising of numerous touristic features, among them which include; varied wildlife, amazing cultural experiences, and its general sumptuous beauty. The wildlife reserve was named after the local Karamojong dialect which signifies ‘a friendly enemy’.

The reserve is characterized by unblemished grassland, wooded grassland, kopjes and riverine woodland with the main tree species within being; red acacia, bush willows, shrubs, desert date, harrisonia abyssinica, and red spike thorns. The Wildlife Reserve’s headquarters is nestled along the Mbale-Moroto road; almost 90 kilometers from Mbale town and only 11 kilometers north of the reserve’s northern boundary. Once you are at this point, you can be in position to ascertain the entry point to the game reserves’ headquarters as soon as you cross Chepsukunya Trading Centre which takes you nearly 2 hours’ drive.

Attractions in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve:

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve comprises of several mammal species including lions, elephants, giraffes, plain zebras, common elands (which are very rare in Uganda), oribis and the only roan remaining antelope in Uganda. There are also various reptile species you may sight, such as; the rock pythons and puff adders as well as harmless water snakes. There are also big populations of savanna monitor lizards as the reserve also resides common agama and skinks, chameleons and geckos. Among the primate species to take a glimpse of in this incredible wildlife reserve include; the unique olive baboons as well as vervet monkeys. Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is really a wildlife paradise that visitors must not miss out while in their wildlife safaris in Uganda.

This magnificent wildlife reserve also comprises of the eye-catching hot springs as the reserve is also cited as one of the extraordinary destinations with mercury wells just at Mountain Kadam. When planning a trip to Kidepo Valley National Park in North Eastern Uganda or Mount Elgon National Park in Eastern Uganda, it’s always a great idea to include Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve into the list of destinations that you need to visit and be filled with untouched wild experiences of life time. The fantastic wildlife reserve is also a habitat to unique bird species which makes it a birder’s paradise as well. Some of the special bird species to sight in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve include; the rare ostriches, great hartlaub’s bustard, white headed buffalo weaver and Jackson’s hornbill and they are all protected within the beautiful Loporokocho swamp.

A single visit to Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is really never boring but always memorable as it rewards you with marvelous views over the reserve’s varied wildlife species like zebras, buffaloes, leopards, lions, giraffes, greater Kudus, Topis, Oribis, Hartebeests, and many others.

Where to stay:

Honestly accommodation is a vital thing to worry about for visitors in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve as there are limited accommodation options within this reserve though, you can choose from the 4 Bandas and some other lodges from the neighborhoods of the reserve’s headquarters.